December 31, 2008 | 1:33 pmOn this eve of the new year I’ve been thinking about intention. It is the tradition for many to set resolutions for the new year, which sounds a lot like goals – it seems like a bit of a set up for self-criticism and self-judgment if we fail to meet our often lofty (but well intentioned goals for ourselves). I know it has been for me in the past. I like to approach a big transition like the beginning of 2009 with an intention or a set of intentions. I define intention as a continuity of attention and energy that underlie both inner and external manifestation and change. This is differentiated from a goal or resolution as these predict a hard and fast, usually very solid outcome. Our intention is more of an impulse that can guide action and behavior, though we don’t know exactly what the outcome will be….
There is no way we can fail at this. We may forget our intention sometimes, but we can renew it at any time by coming back to it over and over again. One of my intentions for the new year is to nurture and appreciate the many relationships in my life – with friends, family, loved ones, pets, and clients. Basically with all the wonderful people in my life who share their generosity and big spirit with me. I’m sure there will be days where I am engrossed in some intense situation with my work or personal life and I will neglect or take for granted certain relationships. These kinds of days and situations happen. I will just come back to the intention again, no need for judgment or self-flagellation, just reminding myself that in each moment I am empowered to change my intention redirect my awareness and energy and influence what and how my life manifests – in this case how I approach the relationships in my life.
We can use our intention as a kind of mindfulness practice – we come back to it again and again, if we forget we eventually wake up to our intentions and begin to let them filter back into our life through our feelings and thoughts and actions. As we find we are distracted, we wake up again and again coming back to our conscious intentions.
As an aid to remembering, I like to write down my intention(s) in big letters on a piece of paper and post them somewhere I will see them every day as an aid to coming back and waking up to my intentions.
May you be blessed with contentment, peace, and courage in the coming new year.